Friday, August 15, 2008


While grilling out tonight, I had the opportunity to photograph what was growing in the backyard. Here are two of what I consider the "Best" photographs of the evening. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My First Blog

Well, this is all new to me. I have been looking at and reading other photographer's blogs, and have been wanting to create my own now for some time. it is! There is a lot going on here at Quadropod Photography. I currently have a new website in the works, which should be pretty cool. I have several shoots lined up in the coming weeks/months involving equestrian events, ad shots, a wedding, and engagement shoots. Pretty exciting, and I will post photo's from events as they happen. Until then, check back often for updates and thanks for stopping by!

Here is a little something for you to take a look at until I can get more photo's posted on here. This is an HDR image that I took of the old Galena, IL train station (now the visitor's center). It is made up of 5 images, at 1 EV intervals and combined together and processed in Photomatix Pro.